Ad verbera pro verbi (From beating on words)


Donor of the project:FOSIM

Date of the project start/end: 01.04.2003 – 01.09.2003

Aims of the project

Enhancing motivation for disarmament. Influence over the middle, high middle class and decision-makers to support the disarmament process.

Aimed group

Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. Medial group: Leaders of opinion, intelligence and political parties (middle and high middle class, decision-makers).


Creation and printing of the book Ad verbera pro verbi; Preparation of propaganda and senzibilizative material, Preparation of promo contents, Preparation, promotion and moderation of the web page, Creation and media interest, Media activities about popularization and book promotion, campaigns for raising the interest about, The book promotion, Distribution of the book, Fit back measuring

The project results

Demystification of the reasons for war crises in Macedonia. Enhancing motivation for disarmament. Enhancing motivation for disarmament propaganda. Contribution to the decontamination from militant ideas and getting armed.

Partner in implementation

Forum of Albanian Women – Tetovo, Youth Council – Prilep

The project documentation

Brochure on Macedonian language and Brochure on Albanian language: “Ad verbera pro verbi”

Printed mediaJournals: “Fakti”, Announcement of the book promotion “Ad verbera pro verbi”, 25.08.2003; Article ” To disarm the mind from the beginning and than the arms” Gzim Ostreni, 27.08.2003; Criminal journal “Svedok” 91, Article: “Armed with humour in disarmament action”, 24.09.2003; FIOOM review, Peace or war – depends on us, Framework interethnic role play school; Daily newspaper: Nova Makedonija, Article “Arms the biggest threat for all” site”, (No.19969), 28.08.2003; Journal “Legitima”, ACTAC Presentation, br.12; Legitima, Together and Ad verbera pro verbi, br. 09-10;

Media visibilityMTV: Mornining Program “Utrinska programa” – in live, 28.08.2003; Report of the tribune -Skopje, 26.08.2003; /TV Art: Rreport – event The book promotion, 26.08.2003; /TV Kis: Report of the tribune – Tetovo, 26.08.2003