Every home its own wallet

Donor of the project: FOSIM Date of the project start/end: 01.03.2002- 10.06.2002 Aims of the projects Support to the Local Self-Government Act (LSGA), decreasing the instrument potential of the LSGA from political manipulation. Aimed group Citizenship of Macedonia. Especially: Municipality Mayors, expert institutions and the political parties. Activities Workshop in Prilep: “Professionals about LSGA”; Workshop in Skopje: […]


Sensibilization in the institutions for women and children rights

Donor of the project: UNDP – Assisting community together Date of the project start/end: 19.02.2000 – 01.05.2000 Aims of the project Contribution to improving the institutions practices toward women and children throughout Forming network for detection, help, directing and professional help to women and children – victims of family violence and other kinds of mal treatment and […]


School for Democracy – Career FOSIFM

FOSIM Date of the project start/end: 01.02.2003 – 30.01.2004 Aims of the project Enhancing democracy level of the citizens and non- governmental organization by education Aimed group NGOs, teachers that teach the subject “Civil Society” and the wider public. The project results Educated three kinds of teams for spreading the training. Expanding the education, prepared “notebooks […]


Improving of our school’s image

Donator: EWI Summary: The project’s intention is the mothers in the primary school “Dobre Jovanoski” in Prilep (with a specific accent on the Roma mothers) to give an input into a better education and understanding between the two ethnic communities and improvement of the school’s image. This would be achieved by increasing the interest for participation and […]


The Framework Agreement – with or without it?

Donor of the project: FOSIM Date of the project start/end: 10.09.2001 – 01.12.2001 Aims of the project Decreasing the instrument potential of The Framework Agreement for political manipulation with it. Citizenship of the Framework Agreement as a technical act. Aimed group Citizenship of Prilep, political parties, journalists and leaders of opinion. Activities Four tribune, poster, leaflet, letter […]


“Role Play” school

Framework interethnic Role Play school Donor of the project: FOSIM Date of the project start/end: 20.10.2001 – 30.02.2002 Aims of the project Enhancing methods of citizen’s respond and expressing the opinions. Strengthening the interethnic cooperation throughout non-governmental cooperation. Support to The Framework Agreement through specific channels of citizen’s respond. Aimed group Non-Government Organizations from Macedonia (selected ones), […]


Open Office of The Major

Career LSG – Prilep Donor of the project: CARDS Date of the project start/end: 15.12.2002 – 15.12.2003 Aims of the project Development of processes for LSG opening to the citizens. Structured and interesting citizen’s participation in decision-making on the local level. Development of democratic manners into the processes of planning and decision-making. The citizens’ participation. […]


Another NGO?

Two year of ACTAC existence Donor of the project: MCIC Date of the project start/end: 01.08.2002 – 15.12.2002 Aims of the project Strengthening the competitive capacity of ACTAC, dissemination of information about ACTAC work and institutional strengthening. Aimed group The ACTAC members, business partners, collaborators, consultants, policy, NGOs and donors The project results Disseminated information about ACTAC […]


Recipe for election pie

Donor of the project: FOSIM Date of the project start/end: 01.06.2002 – 10.08.2002 Aims of the project Enhancing motive for political advancing of the women (impact on the political parties electoral lists) and education about political and professional advancing of the women. Aimed group Women – members of political parties and women with ambitions for career. Activities […]


All are the same, are they?

Donor of the project: FOSIM Date of the project start/end: 15.08.2002 – 30.09.2002 Aims of the project Enhancing the motive for voting. Decreasing the influence of motiveless campaigns: “the foreigners decides for us” and “All are the same”) throughout de-sensibility campaigns. Aimed group The citizenship of Prilep, political parties and CH of political parties. Activities Poster […]
