Indecent proposal to the judiciary


Contribution to the discussion process on the reform of the judiciary

Indecent proposal to the Judiciary – Contribution to the discussion process on the reform of the Judiciary

Donor of the project: FOSIM & OSCE – Spill over Monitor Mission to Skopje

Date of the project start/end – 01.08.2004 – 10.05.2005
The project consist of Expert’s workshop for idiomatic creation of sensible material addressed to the all aimed groups, web site moderated on Macedonian and English language, survey activities – interviews done with the judges, legal assistants and legal interns from Trial and Appellate Courts, Public Prosecutors, Legal Office Attorneys, lawyers and other experts, production of experts’ works about the reforms into judiciary, Central workshop for presenting the opinions of relevant actors and experts about judiciary reforms, and printing a book where all the project results that come out will be put and it is directed to the judicial instances as well as and to the top decision-makers who will be included into the process of Judiciary reforms, judges and other actors into Judiciary – as users and aimed groups. This project will be the support to the Macedonian Government work i.e. to the Commission for Political system and inter-communities relations, the Ministry of Justice that should prepare the process of reforms into Judiciary

Aims of the project
Contribution to the reforms into Judiciary in production of the strategy about reforms and in the part of legislative shaping of the reforms themselves.

Press conferences “Project announcement” Prilep and Skopje; Expert workshop about idiomatic creation of the senizibilitive material Far material; Creation of interactive web page and its permanent bi-lingual moderation; Fit back – measuring by the method of its structuring – mail, post and telephone campaigns; interviews with the aimed group; Second phase: Research Pool about the positions of important actors of the judiciary and politic; Hand outs creation with the sublimated excerpts of the pool activities, its e-presentation; E-mail campaign targeted to senzibilization of the aimed groups and information dissemination; Central workshop: “Independency of the judiciary and the reform strategy of the judiciary”; Creating the publication about the public meetings results, pools results and the activities reflection; Third phase: Promotion and distribution of the publication; Press conferences, TV – broadcasts; information dissemination;

The project results
Strengthened awareness in the institutions, judges and politicians about the need of urgent reforms into Judiciary, increased motivation for taking participation into the project and strengthened awareness for the need of joint acting; Identified and connected actors into the Judiciary and policy that are sharing convincing about sincere Judiciary reforms’ start as well as for the foundation and size of the reforms; strengthen “frontier” of fighters for the reforms; produced “personal card” of experts for the reforms into Judiciary; Identified needs of expert and political nature for giving help to the Macedonian Government to start with the reforms into Judiciary; Presented opinions about the essentiality of Judiciary and need of such reforms in public (decreasing the possible instrument potential from the acting of opposed political parties and judicial structures against the reforms); Presented opinions and introduced public that the reforms into Judiciary are necessary, but eminently domestic need and de-convincing the public from the burial opinions that the reforms are done because of the “foreign factor”; Presented opinions about the shape, size and stepping of such reforms, drafts of strategies for reforms, needed lawful changes and bringing up new Laws, drafts for opinions and standings of specialized Court’s instances, drafts for stating of the Judiciary government (organization of the Judiciary), drafts for anticorruption elements into the Courts’ work; Introduced public, experts and policy about the need for reforms into Judiciary and enhanced interest for taking participation in the public debate; Disseminated book with the project’s results to all relevant actors; Enhanced Macedonian Government to start with reforms and to include a large number of actors in it, Government Bodies to use the project’s results within the frame of the national strategy of judicial reform; Whether included in the overall results or not, obtained survey of opinions and positions by judges at Basic Courts, legal assistants and legal interns at courts.

Book promotors: Minister of Justice – Mrs. Meri Mladenovska – Djordjioska, Mr. Zoran Sapuric, Minister of Environment and Physical Plannining; Ph. Nikola Tupancevski, Michael Lackner – Judicial reform specialist in the OSCE Mission’s Rule of Law units; Dragi Celevski, Councilor to the Ombudsman

The project documentation

Book – National reforms in the Judiciary

Printed media: Daily Newspapers: Utrinski vesnik, “Independency and the corruption are eating away the judiciary, claiming the judges”, Central Workshop, 03.12.2004; Dnevnik, Book promotion “National Reforms in the Judiciary”, 20.04.2005; Journals: Graganski svet, Book promotion “National Reforms in the Judiciary”, (No. 48), April 2005,
Media visibility: MRTV: Report in the Central News 12.00h, 05.10.2004; Report in the Central News 16:00 h, 05.10.2004; Report in the Central News 20. 00, 05.10.2004; Central News 12.00 in live – on going Central Workshop, 03.12.2004; Central News 12. 20h The results of the Survey, 04.12.2004; Program “Justicia” The results of the Survey, 14.03.2005; /Kanal 5:Report in the Central News, 05.10.2004; Central News 19.00 report of Central Workshop, 03.12.2004; Central News – report Book promotion, 19.04.2005 /TV A1:Report in the Central News; / TV Era: Report in the Central News; Central News 19.00 report of Central Workshop, 03.12.2004; /TV Telma: Central News 19.00 report of Central Workshop, 04.12.2004