Law Market


Donor: Balkan Trust for Democracy
Date of the project start/end /end: 23.02.2006 – 01.04.2007
This project is aimed to speedup the reform process in Judiciary and Economy, to support the civil, expert and institutional participation and monitoring on/to governmental reforms in 2 sectors (judiciary and economy) by providing structural and on time informing, and motivating the inclusion of the project aimed groups in these reform processes.
Aims of the project
Speeding up, orienting and improving the quality of the reforms of the Judiciary and the Economy; installing closer co-operation with the Republic of Macedonia Government throughout the foreseen project aimed groups.
Aimed groups
NGOs, expert NGOs (composed of employees in one sector or segment to the sector), institutions of the Judiciary, institutions of the Economy, lawyers and Economy Chambers, Economy Clusters, Syndicates, the Republic of Macedonia Government – especially the Ministry of justice, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, employees in the institutions and bodies by those 2 sectors, the University and independent experts, business subjects, media houses, educated citizenry and donors’ organizations.
I. Preparatory phase: Forming the necessary teams for project planning, implementation and evaluation of the project; Creating the plan for the project implementation; II. Research – analytic phase: Research on the governmental institutional and personnel setting in connection with the reform grips in its spheres of activities, gathering data about prepared sectors strategies for reforms, action plans and working texts of laws and proposal laws in these 2 Ministries; Interviews done with adequate independent experts about the conditions of reforms in the treated sectors and institutions; Survey about the opinions by 8 Embassies – accredited in the Republic of Macedonia in connection with the condition of 2 treated reforms; Survey about the acquaintance with the reforms in the relevant sectors, which are undertaken by the Government of RM, done with the employees in the institutions of these 2 sectors; Preparation of Draft I to 2 sector reforms: “Map of Reforms in the Judiciary and the Economy in Republic of Macedonia”; Letter campaign for introducing the identified persons with the project ideas and needs; III. Phase: Campaign for the aimed groups: Workshop done with journalists – experts for following these 2 reforms; “Headlight campaign” for the aimed groups, institutions and persons and gathering the feedback (web site, letter, phone and e-mail campaign, feedback, analysis and putting in order the materials and preparation for media presentation); Creative User Friendly Workshops; Workshops for preparation of TV presentations, discussants and moderators of TV shows; Two sector TV shows on the national concessionaire or on the net of 17 local TV Houses; Posting media sets with information about the reforms, aims and tasks of the project and motivating texts to the aimed groups; IV. Phase on public activities: Sector’s roundtable “Law Market in the Judiciary”; Sector’s roundtable “Law Market in the Economy”; Preparation of 2 sets of handouts and other materials for 2 Workshops; Preparation of Moderators; Preparation and printing the advertising boards, propaganda and representative material; Two workshops about preparation for the personnel, moderators, introducers, facilitators and involved journalists in preparation of the workshops’ logistics); Posting Press Release and articles to the media, informing the public; V. Phase of sublimating the project results and the project: Evaluation; Preparation and printing the publication with project results, web version of the publication: “Map of Reforms in the Judiciary and the Economy”; Travels and small workshops with appointed governmental officials for preparation of texts about expressing political will for co-operation with the civic society in connection with the reforms; Press Release and presenting articles for electronic and printed media; Promotion of the publication; Distribution of the publication; Following: the media reflections, the aimed groups’ feedback, the Republic of Macedonia Government reactions and the system’s institutions; Web Site moderation for disseminating the model of work and final moderation
The project results
Increasing the number of persons, organizations and institutions that will participate in different phases of the reforms into the Judiciary and the Economy; Involving the subject into the reform processes; Improved communication of the bodies for reforms; Increased civic informing about the conditions with the reforms; Produced new inputs for improving the legislative regulation in these two sectors; Clearly presented governmental declaration about the new modes of future informing, Provided public governmental agreement for civic involvement in these reforms; Better and more focused media reporting about the reforms; Results, which will come out of the dissemination of the model of work for usage in the other governmental sectors and the reforms in them.
Zoran Stavrevski – Vice Prime Minister for Economy, Zivko Jankulovski – Vice Prime Minister for Science and Agriculture, Mihajlo Manevski – Minister of Justice, Dane Iliev – President of the Supreme Court, Bekir Iseni – President of Judicial Council of RM, Mahmud Jusufi – President of Constitutional Court, Olivera Kitanova – President of Public Prosecutors Office, Prof. Ph.D. Ljubomir D. Frchkoski – civic leader, Meri Mladenovska – Parlamentarian representative of the Assembly of RM (former Minister of Justice), Dimitar Georgievski – Director of the State Administration Secretariat, Mirjana Dimovska – President of the Commission for Prevention of Corruption, Aneta Arnaudova – Director of Academy for Training of Judges and Public Prosecutors, Tanja T. Milenkovic – Executive Director of ATJPP, Bojan Eftimov – JCRM Member, Ljubica Ruben – Director of “Mens Legis”, Tripun Tanusevski – Deputy Ombudsman, Prof. Ph.D. Violeta Panovska – Rector of University “St. Clement from Ohrid”, Aleksandar Nikolovski – Dean of European University – Skopje… and many other high officials by the relevant institutions.
Project Press Clipping: TV: TV broadcasts in live: Judiciary: MTV, 19.10.2006, “The first side of triangle “MTV, 20.10.2006; Economy, MTV, 16.11.2006, MTV, 17.11.2006; Economy Workshop – Central News, MTV, 22.12.2006; MTV, 09.01.2007; MTV, “Justicija”, 12.01.2007; Detailed reports Workshops: MTV, 22.12.2006; Judiciary, MTV, 12.01.2007; MTV, 19.01.2007; TV Sitel – Central News, 09.01.2007; Central News, TV Telma, 09.01.2007; Central News, TV Kanal5, 09.01.2007; Central News, TV A1, 09.01.2007; Central News, TV Orbis – News, 09.01.2007; MTV – Turkish program, 09.01.2007; Interviews: Judiciary, MTV, 12.01.2007
Radio: Makedonsko radio, 09.01.2007; 22.12.2006;
Printed media: Daily newspaper: Dnevnik: About all reforms on one table, 23/24.12.2006; Nova Makedonija: Workshop Map of the economy reforms – Knowledge, knowledge and knowledge!, 23/24.12.2006; Utrinski vesnik, With higher transparency to more efficient reforms, 23/24.12.2006; The judiciary must win for its indepandancy, 10.01.2007; Vecer: The minister’s coat is stolen” – cover page, 10.01.2007; Vreme: First challenge for the new ombducman, 10.01.2007; Vest: Manevski is without a coat, 10.01.2007.
Journal: Balkan Insight: EU Gives Cautious Welcome to Macedonia’s Judicial Reforms, 09.11.2006;
Publication: Law Market