Donor of the project FOSIM
Date of the project start/end 01.12.2005 – 01.08.2006
Contributing to demystification and decontamination of the political electoral campaigns and (especially) electoral programmes of the political parties from populism in such away of raising awwarness over TV – broadcasts “Triangle of error and Poster campaign for the institutions, political parties and the NGOs. Contributing toward the creation of non-populist visions about Macedonia; Contributing toward achieving the merit of governance
Aims of the project
Contributing to demystification and decontamination of the political electoral campaigns and (especially) electoral programmes of the political parties from populism. Contributing to improving the political and democratic culture of the actors into the electoral processes. Providing participation by the political parties, other aimed groups and media attention; Researching the standings of aimed groups and (especially) political parties about the populism and the basing of the electoral campaigns (styles, contents, focus); Motivation and education of the aimed groups and citizenry about how can/should be the non-populist electoral campaigns and programmes; Dissuading the political parties from usage of immoderate populism and empty political offers; Dissuading the political parties from usage of immoderate populism and empty political offers; Evaluation of the project.
Web page creation; Campaigns with the aimed groups (mail, phone, post campaigns); Workshops about the project visibility and creating brands against populism and their web dissemination; Travelling and workshops with TV concessionaries targeted to support accomplishment; Press conferences: Project annulment; Interviews with high politic representatives, experts, stake holders, ladders of opinion and the interviews re-editing for the web presentation; TV – broadcasts about political parties senzibilization for the project ideas; TV – broadcast “Triangle of error” (sublimated attitudes of the previous broadcasts); Ex-ante evaluation; E-education about NGOs motivation; E-manual about the approach to the aimed groups into politic and setting of a few different political campaigns targeted to different aimed groups; Poster campaign for the institutions, political parties and the NGOs.
Participants of the project
High representatives of the political parties: Mr. Liljana Popovska – DOM; Trajko Slaveski – VMRO; Jani Makraduli-SDSM; Andrej Zernovski-LDP; Rafiz Aliti-DUI; Imer Selmani – DPA; Vele Mitanovski-NSDP; Kole Casule- VMRO-NP; Blagojce Gesoski-SDSM; Saso Bogdanoski – DOM; Blaze Stojanoski VMRO; Vlatko Atanasoski – VMRO
The project results
Decreasing the populism into the electoral campaigns; Decreasing the nationalistic, militant and xenophobic basing of the political parties’ campaigns; Increasing the level of knowledge about the essence of the electoral offers, the elections itself and the democracy as a system; Opportunity to control the (later on) governance through the comparison of electoral promises and moves that the future Government will pull on; Legitimating the political programmes as public acts that are of obligatory character; Contributing toward the creation of non-populist visions about Macedonia; Contributing toward achieving the merit of governance;
Printed media: Daily Newspaper: Utrinski vesnik, Article: “Politicians are riding on the populist cunami”, 06.03.2006; Media visibility: TV Prilep, Program “Aktuelno”, 20.03.2006; MTV,Program “Magazin 120”,16.03.2006; Kanal 5,Central News, 18.03.2006
The project documentation
Publication: Pre-election Month of the Golden Fish ACTAC 2006