“Role Play” school


Framework interethnic Role Play school

Donor of the project: FOSIM

Date of the project start/end: 20.10.2001 – 30.02.2002

Aims of the project

Enhancing methods of citizen’s respond and expressing the opinions. Strengthening the interethnic cooperation throughout non-governmental cooperation. Support to The Framework Agreement through specific channels of citizen’s respond.

Aimed group

Non-Government Organizations from Macedonia (selected ones), the citizenship, journalists and leaders of opinion.


Preparation of workshops with 10 NGOs and practicing the performances; Education of the NGOs about the methods of citizen’s respond and especially for the “role play” method. Workshop about the final preparation for performances, shooting and costume-design, preparations of hosts. Survey activities; Press conference, Media announcement for the competition, Competition in Role Play performances; Public tribune “Golden Hour with the journalists”; Preparation of the video materials for media usage

The project results

Demystification of The Framework Agreement (FA), the actors in it and stigmatising the socio-pathology in connection with the FA. Promoting the methods role-play and fishbowl as a kind of citizen’s respond.


10 NGOs from Macedonia and in common conversation it was evident that the citizens are very disappointed from the present situation in the policy and (20 participants), Aco Kabranov, Goran Mihajlovski, Ph.D. Blagoja Samakoski, journalists from Prilep, representatives of political parties and representatives of FOSIM and NGOs.

Partner in implementation

AW “Logos”, 10 NGOs from Macedonia

The project documentation: All needed information can be found on Web Site: www.roleplay.net.mk

Printed media: Young parliamentarian and the ambassador No. 6, Article “DPM collaborate with ACTAC”, Framework interethnic role play school, God. IV

Media visibility: TV Sitel: Central News, The best performance of the competition, 04.12.2001/TV CPRTV Prilep: Half an hour programme transmition of the competition “Role play”, 26.11.2001; Press conference ACTAC and the mayor, 17.11.2001