Institutionalisation of participative culture (IPC)

Donor of the project: ECF & ECUMEST

Date of the project start/end:01.08.2003- 01.03.2004
Mobilising the cultural sector in Prilep for organising structured and institutionalised forms of co-operation with the local government; Mobilising the private sector to support initiative of the cultural sector in Prilep; Establishing a Board for Culture in Prilep including all key
stakeholders in the field; Realising an official agreement of co-operation between cultural
operators and local government in Prilep (including other key players such as the private sector); Drafting a paper mentioning strategic priorities for cultural development in Prilep in co-operation with all key stakeholders concerned
Organizing sustainable structures for strategy planning of the cultural policy on local level. Forming the Creative Cultural Board of Prilep and its institutionalisation. Forming the systems, which will be useful and actual, compatible to the Local Self-Government Act (preparing the culture for that Act).

Aimed group
Independent cultural creators, established cultural institutions, LSG, cultural operators and managers, tourist agencies, business people, journalist, specialized agencies and NGOs

Maior activities: Workshops about: Creation of Codex of independent cultural creators ICC, Adopting the Codex, Electing the ICC representatives in the Creative Cultural Board CCBP; Workshops with bussines sector, tourist agencies, Delegating the representatives of political parties, Local Self Government; Creating the CCBP; Workshops about creation of Indicative Cultural Strategy ICS; Advocating about addoption of the ICS by the Local Self Governmant, Promoting the activities and project results

The project results
Forming the Creative Cultural Board, producing Draft versions of the plans for cultural tourism and indicative cultural development.

Partner in implementation
Local Self-Government – Prilep, Institution and Museum – Prilep, House of Culture “Marko Cepenkov”, CSFA, PCI Institute for Ancient Slav Culture and Independent cultural creators.

The project documentation
All necessary needed information can be found on:,
Book Indicative Cultural Strategy. Information can be found and on ECF Web Site.
Printed media: Journal: ECF and Ecumest ; Policies for culture journal , Cover story, no. 3-July 2002; Daily newspapers: Utrinski vesnik, Interview by the project participant, deputy minister of culture Melpomeni Korneti, 24.11.2003; Nova Makedonija, The Prilep’s citizens leader of the state “The town has got the cultural strategy”  11.03.2004, pg.12;

Media Visibility: TV Prilep CPRTV: Project announcment, 23.09.2003; Notification – Call for participation, 08.10.2003; Report about the Selectorian Workshop 10.10.2003; Report on Central News “Spektar”(18.30h ; 21. 30h), 06.11.2003; TV report and Interview with the project participant Ddeputy of the Minister for Culture Melpomeni Korneti06.11.2003; Interview – Strategy obut Decentralization in the Culture 29.01.2004; Interview, central news  “Spektar” , promotion of the book Indicative cultural strategy 23.02.2004; /MRTV: Broadcast “ Half an hour about …(16. 30 h), 11.11.2003; Interview by Aleksandar Cvetkoski in Broadcast “ Half an hour about …(16. 30 h), 12.01.2004; TV Interview – program “Kulturen turizam” 06.03.2004; TV report – Creative Cultural board is promoting the Indicative cultural strategy (ICS) of Prilep, 25.02.2004; Broadcast  “Hallf an hour about … “ Prilep is the first leader in the cultural field, 17.05.2004.