Career LSG – Prilep
Donor of the project: CARDS
Date of the project start/end: 15.12.2002 – 15.12.2003
Aims of the project
Development of processes for LSG opening to the citizens. Structured and interesting citizen’s participation in decision-making on the local level. Development of democratic manners into the processes of planning and decision-making. The citizens’ participation.
Aimed group
Citizenship of Prilep, leaders of local sociological – merit groups (geographical and interesting approach) and representatives of sectors (political, business, cultural…)
The project results
Enhanced citizen’s participation, bigger participation of citizens into the decision-making processes, installed new standards for cooperation.
Partner in implementation
Career: the Local Self-Government – Prilep; Local Self-Government – Plasnica, AW “Logos”, RA “Nevo drum”
The project documentation
Information can be found on:, Brochure, leaflets.
Media visibility: TV Prilep CPRTV: The Maior about the project impact, 17.06.2003; Interview by Aleksandar Cvetkoski – ACTAC president, 24.06.2003