Gender sensitive agenda through Open TV


Donor: EWI
Duration of the project: 01.02.2019 – 01.05.2020
Implementation: ACTAC
Project geographical area: Pelagonia Planning Region (ERP), municipalities: Prilep, Bitola, Dolneni, Krivogashtani, Krusevo, Novaci, Mogila, Demir Hisar, Resen and OTV Network.

The project will develop a discussion process for public instrumentalization of standardized superstitions for women, religion, ethnicity and minority status, as well as media dissemination of a gender-sensitive agenda aimed against the limitation of women’s rights in the Pelagonija Planning Region. This will be done by training an already existing multi ethnic network of OTV reporters, as public gender advocates and a regular TV show for that purpose, which will be broadcasted on social media. The network will also cover current events related to the violation of women’s rights and will advocate a general gender agenda. The project will also establish local opinion leaders.

Project visualization

Media products

ACTAC: “Be quiet, you are a woman” – Sounds familiar?
ACTAC: Do not allow harm to the dignity of women
ACTAC: What if Shakespeare was a woman  
ACTAC: Accept different models
5until12: New York vs Struga: Girls – Choices and Decision making
5until12: Mont Blanc Run: 171 kilometers in length, 10 kilometers height difference
ACTAC: Encourage your children to take action
ACTAC: Women’s participation in EU politics
5until12: Adilovic: For a girl to be “fancy”, she doesn’t have to have a rich man
ACTAC: Share homework and care
ACTAC: Gender equality starts at home – Talk about it
ACTAC: What percentage of women in rural communities in PPR exercise the right of inheritance?
ACTAC: Sensationalist headlines
What is feminism 
Teach your child
5until12: Hard metal ball in a gentle hand
ACTAC: Chicken pate
5until12: Interview Performance: Are you married, do you have children?
ACTAC: I need a smart girl, not an object
ACTAC: For each one 
ACTAC: Journalism
ACTAC: Men still rule the world
ACTAC: The five journalistic questions
ACTAC:  10 seconds with the Duchess
5until12: Are the rights of women workers sufficiently protected?
ACTAC:  Gender Equality on Agenda 2030 
ACTAC:  The timeline of women’s rights 
5until12: The problems of women workers 
ACTAC: Mobile journalism 
ACTAC: Bridging the insurmountable 
5until12: Nesime Salioska: Invest in yourself
ACTAC:  Community Reporting 
5until12: Tanja Dimeska: Woman deserves a better place in society
ACTAC:  Women’s participation in politics 
ACTAC:  Sexist ads and media 
5until12: Unknown heroine – carrier of change
ACTAC:  Include yourself 
ACTAC:  Women that cause change
5until12: Tanja Dimeska: For the world to be a better place for all, it must be for women also
MRC: Gender Sensitive Survey 
ACTAC: PHOTO: Gender equality in politics in our country. 4 women ministers versus 18 men ministers 
MRC: Woman today 
ACTAC: ACTAC has started implementing a project