Project: The Major is not a golden fish
Donator: National Endowment for Democracy & Balkan Trust for Democracy
Dates of Project: October 1, 2012 – April 30, 2013
The aim of the project “The Major is not a golden fish” is to stimulate citizen participation in political processes and promote the accountability of local governments ahead of 2013 local elections. Through a series of 12 workshops and meetings, a multimedia campaign and candidate forums in nine municipalities, the project will enable citizens in the Pelagonia region to better articulate their priorities and hold politicians accountable for campaign promises.
The first step of the foreseen activities is activating a network of eight partner NGOs, one in each of the municipalities that make up Macedonia’s Pelagonia region: Krivogastani, Novaci, Mogila, Bitola, Krusevo, Dolneni, Demir Hisar, Resen and Prilep. The participating organizations will hold joint workshops, on which they will identify key local problems in each community that fall under the mayor’s area of responsibility. This assessment will be used to hold incumbents responsible for their performance, as well as to caution candidates not to make promises about issues outside their jurisdiction. Following the workshops, the network will facilitate meetings between the network’s members and local political party representatives to discuss the local policy issues identified. A series of nine analytical articles, one on each municipality, will examine the candidates’ platforms and the extent to which they address the most pressing local issues.
To broaden its outreach and raise awareness about the importance of holding elected officials accountable, will be organized a series of nine public forums with mayoral candidates of participating municipality. On it, they will be asked to present their platforms, and will have a question and answer session with the local audience.
The project activities will be promoted through multimedia campaign, featuring satirical videos and printed materials, social media content and appearances on local talk shows.
On Tuesday (19.03.2013) on the final part of the campaign for informing and education on citizens about the tricks that political parties use in their political offers and programs, ACTAC has promoted the civic information sheet with title “The tricks in the election promises”
Macedonian version Albanian version
The results of the survey, conducted in the Pelagonia region in the period of 28.02. to 06.03.2013 can be seen here: Survey analysis and Presentation
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